2012 Among Friends

I attended the 2012 “Among Friends” Conference on Friday, October 5 and Saturday, October 6th with six other wonderful women from my church – Bowling Green Christian. It was held in Louisville, Kentucky.

The speakers were dynamic with Host Kathy Troccoli leading the worship music. She has a powerful voice and an incredible testimony. Ellie Lofaro, from New York, led inspirational messages from the Bible such as one on the Parable of the 4 Soils. Ellie is practical and also full of humor.

Liz Curtis Higgs

2012 Among Friends
with Liz Curtis Higgs

The other Special Guest, Liz Curtis Higgs, is one of my favorite authors. It was so exciting to finally get to hear her speak. Her messages about women of the Bible – Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Tabitha, and Ruth were excellent.

Amazingly, we were all laughing one moment only to be in tears the next. Wonderful experience – I hope we can go again next year!

Fly Tribe Meet Up

I had the opportunity to meet four of my new friends from the Kelly Rae Roberts Flying Lessons ecourse in person last Saturday. We met in Louisville and had a grand time visiting. Even though I had never met them in person before, I immediately felt like they were old friends — Kindred spirits in our journey to live creative lives and be true to ourselves.


I received these beautiful gifts:














from Kelley Miller

















from Kelly Hoering


BraveGirl Pendant















from Kathleen Conrad


Kathleen based the pendants on the word we had each picked for 2012. Since I had not yet decided on a word, she took the liberty of putting “Brave Girl” on mine. I love it! And, I have decided that it is the very word I need for the year – “BRAVE.” Thanks, Kathleen for the little push – it was exactly what I needed.

What an incredible day of inspiration, friendship, and sharing!

Thanks, Ladies!


Praise for Dreaming Big

This video was sent to me by one of my creative friends.

I was so inspired that I just had to share it!

Can you remember what you felt like when you were young and thought you could do anything? What were your dreams then? What about now? Are you still allowing yourself to dream?

Peaks and Valleys

Just finished the book Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson. Excellent! I took many notes and learned a few amazing things that hopefully will stick with me. Just wanted to share a few, though, you will probably have to read the book to understand all the context. Hope you can still take away a few nuggets.

1) Whenever I get confused about how to get out of a Valley, I just need to remember that Peaks and Valleys are opposites. So, look at what I did that put me in the Valley, and then just do the opposite!

2) The most common reason you leave a peak too soon is arrogance, masquerading as confidence.
The most common reason you stay in a valley too long is fear, masquerading as comfort.

Ask yourself, “What is the truth in this situation?”
And, “How can I be of more service?”
And, ” What would be the most loving thing I could do right now?”

3) The pain in a valley can wake you up to a truth you have been ignoring.

Simple, yet profound, truths that struck me as just what I needed to hear in my life right now. I hope I can remember to ask myself the above questions in tough situations. Give them a try yourself or get the book. I highly recommend it and it is a fast read.

Peaks and Valleys: Making Good And Bad Times Work For You–At Work And In Life