Hang-ups, Habits, and Hurts

My husband used this expression the other day when we were praying together. I immediately thought, “Those are exactly the issues I need to deal with in the new year.”

Don’t we all have hang-ups that we need to just move on from? Those crazy things that bug us or issues we are stuck in? Perhaps it is time to literally hang them up.

What about habits? Most of the known world will be making New Year’s Resolutions tomorrow. Isn’t that really just all about forming new habits? Decide what you want in your life in 2011 and make a habit of it.

And then there are hurts. Sometimes these are the hardest. I know the hurts in my heart have way more influence over me than they should. What about making an intention in 2011 to let go of all those all hurts by letting God take them and heal them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful not to have to stress out over or think about those hurts anymore?

As you think about your goals, desires, and dreams for 2011 you might think about your hang-ups, habits and hurts. It could possibly lead you on a path to greater happiness in the new year.

Wishing all of you a Happy New Year!

May the coming year bring you happiness, peace, laughter, good health and the wealth that only knowing God can bring.

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” John Maxwell

Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines.
– Brian Tracy