Five Ways To Cultivate A Sense of Wonder

Raggedy Ann

A Sense of Wonder

This is the perfect time of year to put into practice a creative habit. The habit I’m referring to is cultivating a sense of wonder. If you want to live an inspired and creative life, a sense of wonder is absolutely essential.

The following ways of acting or looking at the world will help you in developing a sense of wonder in your life and helping others do the same.

1) Spend time with a child – Children have a natural sense of wonder that hasn’t been sucked out of them yet. You can’t be around a child at Christmas time without picking up some of that special excitement and wonder they have about the season. If you don’t have a child, borrow a niece, nephew, or cousin and take them on an outing.

2) Stare at the sky —This may seem like a strange one, however, you just have to try it. Today, I was out walking my dog and happened to look up at the brilliant blue of the sky. It is magical. The huge expanse somehow puts you in your place. And a humble spirit always leads to wonder and amazement. The natural world shouts of God’s majesty. That is definitely something to be amazed about.

3) Be grateful – Gratitude is first on my list for being happy, for making friends, for less stress, and most importantly cultivating that ever increasing sense of wonder. Being grateful forces you to be in a state of wonder. To appreciate anything you need to be able to see the good qualities and dwell on them. Isn’t that what wonder is?

4) Read – Some people never pick up a book. That in itself is a wonder to me. Books open up the world of facts and imagination to the reader. Pick a book on a topic you know nothing about and read it. You will be in awe of what other people know and it might just start you on your own journey to a new hobby or even a new career.

5) Check out the miracles of Jesus – There’s a reason they are called miracles.

What else could you do to increase your sense of wonder?