A Fresh Start

Budding Orchid

This is my new blog, my first post, a brand new endeavor for me. Living a creative life, living a life for God, being inspired and inspiring others can be challenging, but I think this is what we are called to do.

My intention with this blog is be the spark that ignites hearts to bloom in God’s truth and beauty.

Growth is life. Without it there is only death. God wants us to have life and have it abundantly. In other words He wants us to bloom. He is God our Creator. He intends for us to create a life from the gift of life he has given us.

My purpose is to create a place here that will challenge you to discover and grow in God’s truth and beauty, that will touch your heart and inspire you, that will help you to put more Magic Moments in your life, to remind you of God’s truth and how you can live that truth in your life, to show the beauty of God’s creation through photographs and artwork, and to inspire you to use your gifts and talents to live a life of abundant adventure.

Come with me on this journey of dreaming, creating, and growing in the knowledge of God and in learning to design a creative and joyful life for yourself and those you love–in essence–to BLOOM!